Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Yesterday I took the test that will qualify me (or not) to become an IBCLC - Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant. I was humbled by the amount of information we are expected to know, and proud of myself for knowing so much more than I did five years ago when I started this journey. Some of the questions were so basic that no one should be able to pass if they didn't get them right. Others were so difficult I think no IBCLC could possibly have so much memorized! There were 75 multiple choice and 100 multiple choice with accompanying pictures. I think I got about 70% of the answers correct. Unfortunately, I won't find out until the end of October. Look for that post on the 29th! It will either be full of elation or tears... Between now and then, though, I hope there is more elation than tears.

Julio, Dad and the kids are on their way to Monterrey, Mexico, today. They left Puebla this morning, so I am happy to hear that they are getting closer and closer to home. I can't wait to see them!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Last Full Day in Mexico

Yesterday, Dad, Julio, Emilia, and Levi left me in Puebla and went to San Marcos for the Sanchez Family Reunion 2010. There are fourteen Sanchez brothers and sisters, and they all had plenty of children, so I believe there around 200 participants expected. Unfortunately, Julio will have to explain over and over why I am not there!

On Monday I am going to take the exam offered only once a year to become an internationally certified lactation consultant. The test will be given all around the world, including in Mexico, but since the closest one here would require flying to Guadalajara, I am flying out of Mexico City tomorrow and heading home. I will take the test in Lexington, Kentucky. I have been studying the whole vacation (I think it is much easier to study away from home). I have learned so much - things I never knew before - the Innocenti Delcaration, the Bellagio Consensus, how many ounces of milk a baby needs according to weight . . . well, maybe I haven´t quite memorized that yet, but I´ll have it by Monday.

Today I am with Julio´s Dad and his wife. We are going to take a bus to Mexico City, and I will get to visit Mexico´s Temple Square. The Mayan-inspired temple has a visitor´s center next door. I am looking forward to visiting this last tourist stop on my way back to Louisville!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday 19 July 2010

These pictures are of the government building in Monterrey, Mexico. We were there on Monday last week, and the kids got a kick out of the picture-taking opportunity inside. They have a museum inside, but it is closed on Mondays! It is free every other day, so go if you can! We spent the week in Monterrey with Julio's mission president, Carlos Merino, and his wife Adriana. On Wednesday we went back to the Megaplaza and rode the boats on the Paseo de Santa Lucia.
Monterrey is a beautiful city, and we had a great time!

Now we are in Puebla, Mexico, home of the best food in the world. Our goal each time we come is to sample all of our favorite foods as often as we can before we go home. Today we are heading downtown to the artisan district, called El Parian, where we will see the famous Talavera Pottery and around the corner sample some of the best memelas in the world. Here are some other attractions in Puebla